November 4-6, 2025 | Jaarbeurs, Utrecht

Want to participate?

Would you like to showcase your company to thousands of logistics professionals? Are you looking for new leads, relationship management, or an opportunity to present your innovations?

Exhibit at Logistica Next, the logistics hub of the Netherlands, from November 4th to 6th, 2025, at Jaarbeurs Utrecht.

Participation options


You can choose from a row location, corner location, head location, and island location. Ad­di­tion­ally, you can opt for a prime location. Contact us for the available locations.

Contact us

Participate carefree without having to hire a stand builder yourself? Choose one of the standard par­ti­cip­a­tion packages.

Contact us


Is your focus on new leads, re­la­tion­ship management, brand awareness, knowledge transfer, or innovation? Feel free to ask your questions – we’re happy to brainstorm with you.

Contact us

Find new leads among the suggested connections and showcase your company optimally.

Contact us


The par­ti­cip­a­tion package includes a basic branding package as standard. Define your goals and choose an upgrade.

Contact us


For companies looking to position themselves as market leaders, we offer extra exposure through sponsorship op­por­tun­it­ies. Think of profiling as a thought leader by sharing your expertise during a theater session or increasing your visibility among all trade show visitors.

Contact us

We are happy to help you

Would you like to know how Logistica Next can help with successful participation? We are happy to think along with you about marketing objectives, participation options and other matters surrounding your company at ICT&Logistiek.
