Chairman and jury member René de Koster about the Logistica Award 2024

Logistica Next
06 June 2024
3 min

On November 5th, the Logistica Award 2024 will be presented during Logistica Next. A five-member jury will evaluate the submitted innovations. One of the jury members and the chairman is René de Koster, a professor of Logistics and Operations Management at Erasmus University. He has been a jury member since the very first Logistica Award and is the chairman of this prize since 2012. Therefore, he can tell us everything about the importance of the Logistica Award and the process. He answers four questions about the Award.

Can you tell us something about the history and significance of the Logistica Award?

The Logistica Award has existed since 2003. The Award is presented during the Logistica Next trade fair. Logistica Next takes place every two years simultaneously with the annual ICT&Logistiek trade fair. This simultaneous occurrence will happen again in 2024.

The award is important for both providers of logistics solutions, to draw attention to new developments, and for users of those solutions, to gain insight into these new developments. Participants in the award can be established companies as well as start-ups with new ideas.

What is the jury specifically looking for from the entrants this year? Are there particular innovations or trends that stand out in the industry?

There are various new developments, but the jury is particularly focused on the latest advancements in the field of internal logistics with a certain Dutch contribution. Developments, for example, in the areas of robotics, AI, Internet of Things applications and software. Or advancements in more traditional areas such as safety, storage, transport, packaging, ergonomics, energy consumption, process monitoring and sustainability. We like to be surprised with exciting submissions.

How does the jury evaluate the entries and ensure a fair and transparent evaluation process?

The jury consists of Eric Hereijgers, Jan Hommes, Peter Leerintveld, Rudy Negenborn, and myself. Each jury member evaluates the various entries based on five criteria: Applicability, Innovativeness, Market Potential, Cost-effectiveness, and Creativity. Additionally, the entry must have some Dutch contribution. The final scores are compared, and then the winner is determined. The jury members each have their own expertise and, of course, are not allowed to vote on any entries in which they have a personal involvement. This guarantees an objective evaluation.

What impact does the Logistica Award have on the logistics sector in general and on the winner?

Its role is modest. The best entries will probably find their way to the market regardless of this Award. However, the Award generates additional publicity, both in the press and among visitors at the fair. This can accelerate market success. Entries from smaller companies are sometimes embraced by larger companies, thus gaining a wider reach. Additionally, you receive a trophy and feedback on your product from the jury.

To companies that are still hesitant, I would say: what do you have to lose? Apart from the necessary time to fill out the form and present the innovation, participation is free!

Register your innovation and compete for the Logistica Award 2024

Does your logistic innovation deserve an award? Then take on the challenge: register your innovation (free of charge) and stand a chance to win the Logistica Award 2024, the distinction for the most innovative solution in logistics. The registration closes on June 15, 2024. Visit the Logistica Award 2024 page for more information.

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