November 5 to 7, 2024 | Jaarbeurs, Utrecht


Logistica Next 2024 has an extensive content program and a wide range of smart and concrete solutions for the issues of today and tomorrow. Below you will find an overview of the activities during Logistica Next 2024.

Mainstage: Logistics Arena

The keynote program on the mainstage is the flagship of ICT&Logistiek. Inspiring keynote speakers give knowledge sessions on crucial topics that shape the future of logistics. Here you will be inspired by valuable insights and innovative strategies.

3 theme theaters

At Logistica Next you will find 3 theme theaters that are part of the extensive knowledge program; Next Gen Logistics, Healthy and Safe Warehouse and Zero Emission Logistics. Here you can choose from dozens of presentations that enrich your knowledge in specific areas with the information provided by exhibitors and experts.

Demonstration squares

Experience the future of logistics with fascinating live demonstrations by various exhibitors. Come by, immerse yourself in the innovations, ask questions and expand your knowledge while discovering the latest developments.

View all exhibitors

The Logistics Debate

This year, we are once again organizing The Logistics Debate together with VLM – Association for Logistics Management. Each day, four debaters will share their provocative views on various themes. The debates will be moderated by Marijke Roskam and will take place daily from 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM on the Mainstage.

Theme 1: Logistic Challenges and Innovative Solutions in Times of Crisis
Theme 2: The Netherlands is Not Full Yet, Logistics Needs to Use Existing Space More Efficiently
Theme 3: Sustainable Mobility and Alternative Fuels, What is Feasible?

Award Show

The Logistica Award is the most prestigious recognition for the most innovative solution in logistics. On September 6, the three nominees will be announced. The question, of course, is which of the three will win this coveted prize. Jury member and chairman René de Koster will reveal the winner on November 5 during the Award Show. This will take place from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM on the Mainstage, hosted by Marijke Roskam.

Read more about the Logistica Award

The Logistics Speeddate

With the ‘The Logistics Speeddate’ Jong Logistiek Nederland (JLN) brings companies, students and young pro­fes­sion­als together in a smart, fun and enjoyable way. It is the opportunity to have a 1-on-1, 10-minute con­ver­sa­tion with various logistics companies in an accessible and efficient way.

In 2024, The Logistics Speeddate will be on November 6. We will announce the details later. Are you there?

In association with: Jong Logistiek Nederland

The speeddates take place in hall 9.

De Start-Up Straat ICT&Logistiek

Start-Up Street

Get to know the future engine of the logistics industry in the Start-Up Street, where start-up companies present their innovations to the industry. Here you will discover what the future of logistics looks like and how the latest innovations contribute to solving major logistics challenges.

The Start-Up Street is located in hall 8.